
Emy is a pelvic floor muscle training device that, through intuitive and easy tasks, provides precise real-time measurement of voluntary contractions of various pelvic floor muscles (biofeedback). The device is connected to a free mobile application that provides access to exercises prepared by specialists.
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Menopause - It's never too late to exercise your pelvic floorWith age, during the period of hormonal decline before and after the menopause, the tissues tend to relax the muscles. This also applies to the pelvic floor muscles, which is why urinary incontinence problems may arise at this time. You do not have to worry that the changes that have occurred in the pelvic floor are irreversible.
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Take care of your sex life by exercising your pelvic floor musclesThe pelvic floor plays an important role during intercourse. During the pre-orgasm phase, adequate muscle tone is required to increase sensations during the act, but only relaxation causes orgasm. Therefore, the ability to control the muscles of the pelvic floor is a guarantee of intense sensations.
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Depending on the type of sport practiced, the Kegel muscles are more or less stressed. In sports such as cycling, swimming and inline skating, the effect on the muscles is relatively small. On the other hand, in sports such as running or trampoline jumping, the muscles of the perineum are used to a much greater extent
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